• CObject
    • CCmdTarget
      • CWinThread
        • CWinApp
      • CDocumen
      • CDocTemPlate
        • CSingleDocTemplace
        • CMultiDocTemplatet
      • CWnd (Window Support)
        • CFrameWnd (Frame Windows)
          • CMDIChildWnd
            • (user MDI windows)
          • CMDIFrameWnd
            • (user MDI workspaces)
          • CMiniFrameWnd
          • (user SDI windows)
          • COleIPFrameWnd
        • CSplitterWnd
        • CControlBar (Control Bars)
          • CDialogBar
          • COleResizeBar
          • CReBar
          • CStatusBar
          • CToolBar
        • CPropertySheet (Property Sheets)
        • CDialog (Dialog Boxes)
          • CCommonDialog
            • CColorDialog
            • CFileDialog
            • CFindReplaceDialog
            • CFontDialog
            • COleDialog
              • COleBusyDialog
              • COleChangeIconDialog
              • COleChangeSourceDialog
              • COleConvertDialog
              • COleInsertDialog
              • COleLinksDialog
                • COleUpdateDialog
              • COlePasteSpecialDialog
              • COlePropertiesDialog
            • CPageSetupDialog
            • CPrintDialog
            • CPrintDialogEx
          • COlePropertyPage
          • CPropertyPage
          • (user dialog boxes)
          • CDHtmlDialog
            • CMultiPageDHtmlDialog
        • CView (Views)
          • CCtrlView
            • CEditView
            • CListView
            • CRichEditView
            • CTreeView
          • CScrollView
            • (user scroll views)
            • CFormView
              • (user form views)
              • CDaoRecordView
              • CHtmlEditView
              • CHtmlView
              • COleDBRecordView
              • CRecordView
                • (user record views)
      • (Controls)
        • CAnimateCtrl
        • CComboBox
        • CDateTimeCtrl
        • CEdit
        • CHeaderCtrl
        • CHtmlEditCtrl
        • CHotKeyCtrl
        • CIPAdressCtrl
        • CLinkCtrl
        • CListBox
        • CListCtrl
        • CMonthCalCtrl
        • COleControl
        • CProgressCtrl
        • CReBarCtrl
        • CRichEditCtrl
        • CScrollBar
        • CSliderCtrl
        • CSpinButtonCtrl
        • CStatic
        • CStatusBarCtrl
        • CTabCtrl
        • CToolBarCtrl
        • CToolTipCtrl
        • CTreeCtrl
    • CDC
      • CClientDC
      • CMetaFileDC
      • CPaintDC
      • CWindowDC
    • CGdiObject
      • CBitMap
      • CBrush
      • CFont
      • CPalette
      • CPen
      • CRgn
    • CFile
      • CMemFile
        • CShareFile
      • COleStreamFile
        • CMonikerFile
          • CAsyncMonikerFile
            • CDataPathProperty
              • CCachedDataPathProperty
      • CSocketFile
      • CStdioFile
        • CInternetFile
          • CGopherFile
          • CHttpFile
    • CRecentFileList
    • (Arrays)
      • CArray (template)
      • CByteArray
      • CDWordArray
      • CObArray
      • CPtrArray
      • CStringArray
      • CUIntArray
      • CWordArray
      • (arrays of user types)
    • (Lists)
      • CList (template)
      • CPtrList
      • CObList
      • CStringList
      • (lists of user types)
    • (Maps)
      • CMap (template)
      • CMapWordToPtr
      • CMapPtrToWord
      • CMapPtrToPtr
      • CMapWordToOb
      • CMapStringToPtr
      • CMapStrngToOb
      • CMapStringToString
  • CPoint
  • CRect

    composed with 4 integers
    first 2 are x and y of left top vertex
    last 2 are x and y of right bottom vertex
    -CSize -CString

  • Create()
    • almost same with CreateWindow()’s method version