• controls are useful preset of child window

    • but control is little different with normal child window
      • control doesn’t need class registing
      • control send message(WM_COMMAND) to its parent window’s callback function (window processor)
  • send WM_COMMAND to parent window

    • control gives parameters with wParam and lParam
      • wParam
        • 4 bytes
        • first 2 bytes contains Notify code, notifying what kind of message control made
          • can get with HIWORD(wParam)
        • last 2 bytes contains control’s ID
          • can get with LOWORD(wParam)
      • lParam
        • control’s handle
  • controls

    • button

    • editor

    • combo box

    • list box

    • text

    • spin

    • progress bar

    • MessageBox()

      int MessageBox( HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpText, LPCTSTR lpCaption, UINT uType );

      make instant message box

      • hWnd : message box owner’s handle
      • lpText : text inside message box
      • lpCaption : tutle bar text
      • uType : button type of message box
        • MB_OK
        • MB_OKCANCEL
        • MB_YESNO