
  • Subsystem is handy and useful instance with various lifecycle.
  • Every Subsystems declared as class will be instanced and called Inintialize() and Deinitialize() in proper time.
  • Thanks to Subsystems, GameInstance don’t have to be over-responsible. (and other massive advantages)

Subsystem variety

  • UEngineSubsystem

    • Lifetime : StartUp() ~ ShutDown()
    • Reference : GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<T>();
  • UEditorSubsystem

    • Lifetime : StartUp() ~ ShutDown()
    • Reference : GEditor->GetEditorSubsystem<T>();
  • UGameInstanceSubsystem

    • Lifetime : Same with GameInstance
    • Reference : [GameInstance]->GetSubsystem<T>();
  • ULocalPlayerSubsystem

    • Lifetime : Same with LocalPlayer
    • Reference : [LocalPlayer]->GetSubsystem<T>();

Online Subsystem?