Intro and Philosophy #
History #
- visual based complete toolset
- level centric
- started from level editor
- other tools added-on level editor, and then it called as engine
UE1 (1997/1999) #
- Called as UnrealEd1, UnrealEd2
- BSP Brush focused
- Engine struct was formulated
- Actors, Viewport, Camera controls, toolbar…
- Lighting rendered in viewport
- Event/Tag scripted
- Subtractive world (Skybox)
UE2 (2002) #
- Meshes added
- BSP-Mesh hybrid workflow
- Event/Tag scripted
- Subtractive world (Skybox)
- used Ctrl+S to subtract (prevent spam)
UE3 (2006) #
- Visual scripting (Kismet) added
- sub-editors added
- Matinee, Cascade, Material editor, etc
- Additive world (no Skybox)
- UE4’s structure was almost completed
UE4 (2014) #
- Blueprint added
- UI revamp
- 2nd generation sub-editors and tools
- Matinee and Cascade are replaced
- Sequencer, Sound cue editor, etc
- Unified interface with blueprint
UE5 (2022) #
- Reinforced sub-editors and open world support
- Chaos, AFPA, World Partition, etc
Schematic-Schematic #
All required tools and sub-editors are part of the editor and engine.
- for same team, same style, same logic
- to work together seamlessly
- fully visual
- not text based scripting/programming
- not only for programmers
- speed up world production
- posititate experimentation, qualty, diversity
Schematic Overview #
Placable Actors excluding 3D #
- Audio Actors
- Emitter Actors
- Cascade particle or Niagara particle
- Reflection Captures
- Sphere, Box, Planar
- Light Actors
- Point, Rectangular, Spot, Directional, Sky
- Static, Stationary, Dynamic(Movable)
- Volumes
- Represent Area of something or somewhat, somehow
- Geometry Editing available
- BP Actors
- Used for both Gameplay and Workflow (not only for programmers)
- Gameplay/Other
- Trigger, Maker, Spawn(e.g. player start), Decal, etc
Placable 3D Actors #
- Static Meshes
- without some exceptions(e.g. vertex shader), theres no change like bone animation
- HLOD : composit meshes into one, so that reduce drawcall
- Instanced Static Meshes : Batching meshes to render
- Splines : revole/deform static mesh
- Skeletal Meshes
- Meshes with bone
- Geometry
- Geometry Editing available
- Binary Space Partition (BSP)
- almost deprecated
- Procedural Mesh
- available with plugin
- generated at runtime
- Foliage
- Foliage Tool
- automatically batched
- Grass
- automatically generated by landscape material layer
- uses landscape’s lighting (good for performance)
- Procedural Foliage
- experimental
- automatically generated in foliage volume
- foliage type (imitate real nature)
- Foliage Tool
- Geometry Collections
- Chaos Destructibles
- Landscapes
- Layer, Components, Gizmos, Visibility, Painting, Sculpting, etc
- Landscape Splines
- Landmass Plugin
- Landscape Brushes
- Skies
- Static mesh and Material
- new : Physical based Sky Atmosphere
3D Tools #
- Import
- Modeling Tools
- Sculpting Tools
- UV Tools
- Mesh Simplification
- can be used for generating LOD
Controls the Level #
- World Properties
- Level Blueprint
- Timeline
- good for simple animations(changes)
- Variants Manager
- can assign any property
on console to test
- Sequencer
- used for movie or cutscene
- can handle almost kind of values
- Sequence Template
Rebuilding #
- Lighting
- Lightmass Importance Volume
- Lightmaps
- Volumetric Lightmaps
- Precomputed Visibility
- Lightmass Importance Volume
- Reflection Captures
- Navmesh
- Navmsh Agent
- “Build Paths”
- Runtime Navmesh (not pre-built)
Sub-Level #
For #
- great for co-work
- Devide by location
- Devide by actor type
- Light Scenarios
- set different lights in individual sublevels
How to load #
- Blueprint (LoadStreamLevel)
- also code
- Volumes
- Always Loaded
- World Composition
- load automatically by instigator’s distance (x and y, but not z)
- good for open world
Performance #
- Stats
- since UE2
- type
stat [command]
in console - e.g.
- GPU Profiler
Ctrl + Shift + ,
orProfile GPU
to open
- Statistics Panel
- good for performance optimizing
- View Modes
- can check complexity
- Cull/Max Draw Distance
- Scalability
- World Detail
- since UE1 or UE2
- can tag visual effects with rate
Advice #
Multi user editing is available with editor server
- without source controls
Level organization
- Important actor standards
- Editor Billdboard Scale
- Outliner
- since UE4 (not familiar with old devs)
- Groups
- doesn’t affect on rendering and outliner (not batch)
- Layers
- actually not layer
- one actor can be contained in multiple layers
- useful for selecting
- Selection tools
- right clikc on actor for a lot of options
Ctrl + B
open mesh in content browser- asset action
- can select in Statistics Panel too
- Important actor standards
Level cleanliness
- Rotation and scale
- Grid and snapping
- can customize snap unit
- Brackets(snap unit in/decrease) are good shortcut for preventing movement mistake
- Shadows/Collision
- LOD and Collision
- Component setting
- Material complexity change and Shared Sampler
- Distance Fading scale/textures
- Hard blends
- Foliage Assets
- Range and Shadow
- removing shadow is recommended
- reducing rendering range is recommended
- Lower position material trick
- cognitive trick
- Slope material trick
Painting Tools
- it’s material tricks
- is light mass volume needed in raytrace?
- not need in fully dynamic lights
- but raytrace is not every-solution
- co-working on sublevel
- sublevel can share same transform
- is light mass volume needed in raytrace?