FILE* fopen (char* name, char* mode);
used to openning file with file name name
- “r” : read
- “w” : write (will be overwrited), (make new file if it doesn’t exist and possible)
- “a” : append (make new file if it doesn’t exist and possible)
- “rb” : binary-read
- “wb” : binary-write (will be overwrited), (make new file if it doesn’t exist and possible)
- “ab” : binary-append (make new file if it doesn’t exist and possible)
int getc (FILE* fp);
- putc
int putc (int c, FILE* fp);
- getchar
#define getchar() getc( stdin )
- putchar
#define putchar(c) putc( (c), stdout )
- fscanf
int fscanf (FILE* fp, char* format, ...);
- fprintf
int fprintf (FILE* fp, char* format, ...);
- fclose
int fclose (FILE* fp)