
CWnd (Window Support) CFrameWnd (Frame Windows) CMDIChildWnd (user MDI windows) CMDIFrameWnd (user MDI workspaces) CMiniFrameWnd (user SDI windows) COleIPFrameWnd CSplitterWnd CControlBar (Control Bars) CDialogBar COleResizeBar CReBar CStatusBar CToolBar CPropertySheet (Property Sheets) CDialog (Dialog Boxes) CCommonDialog CColorDialog CFileDialog CFindReplaceDialog CFontDialog COleDialog COleBusyDialog COleChangeIconDialog COleChangeSourceDialog COleConvertDialog COleInsertDialog COleLinksDialog COleUpdateDialog COlePasteSpecialDialog COlePropertiesDialog CPageSetupDialog CPrintDialog CPrintDialogEx COlePropertyPage CPropertyPage (user dialog boxes) CDHtmlDialog CMultiPageDHtmlDialog CView (Views) CCtrlView CEditView CListView CRichEditView CTreeView CScrollView (user scroll views) CFormView (user form views) CDaoRecordView CHtmlEditView CHtmlView COleDBRecordView CRecordView (user record views) (Controls)...

January 1, 1970 · 1 min · Niiok


MFC is Microsoft Foundation Class. composed with combination of Win32 api and class (object-oriented) MFC is almost depricated by many alternatives like .net WPF and other crossplatform GUI libraries declare field HWnd inside header file to create child windows you need to call Create() method of them to replace CreateWindow() of win32 since MFC works as OOP wrapper of win32, message dealing system how win32 do with CALLBACK function is replaced by MessageMap macro inside HWnd...

January 1, 1970 · 2 min · Niiok

MFC classes

CObject CCmdTarget CWinThread CWinApp CDocumen CDocTemPlate CSingleDocTemplace CMultiDocTemplatet CWnd (Window Support) CFrameWnd (Frame Windows) CMDIChildWnd (user MDI windows) CMDIFrameWnd (user MDI workspaces) CMiniFrameWnd (user SDI windows) COleIPFrameWnd CSplitterWnd CControlBar (Control Bars) CDialogBar COleResizeBar CReBar CStatusBar CToolBar CPropertySheet (Property Sheets) CDialog (Dialog Boxes) CCommonDialog CColorDialog CFileDialog CFindReplaceDialog CFontDialog COleDialog COleBusyDialog COleChangeIconDialog COleChangeSourceDialog COleConvertDialog COleInsertDialog COleLinksDialog COleUpdateDialog COlePasteSpecialDialog COlePropertiesDialog CPageSetupDialog CPrintDialog CPrintDialogEx COlePropertyPage CPropertyPage (user dialog boxes) CDHtmlDialog CMultiPageDHtmlDialog CView (Views) CCtrlView CEditView CListView CRichEditView CTreeView CScrollView (user scroll views) CFormView (user form views) CDaoRecordView CHtmlEditView CHtmlView COleDBRecordView CRecordView (user record views) (Controls) CAnimateCtrl CComboBox CDateTimeCtrl CEdit CHeaderCtrl CHtmlEditCtrl CHotKeyCtrl CIPAdressCtrl CLinkCtrl CListBox CListCtrl CMonthCalCtrl COleControl CProgressCtrl CReBarCtrl CRichEditCtrl CScrollBar CSliderCtrl CSpinButtonCtrl CStatic CStatusBarCtrl CTabCtrl CToolBarCtrl CToolTipCtrl CTreeCtrl CDC CClientDC CMetaFileDC CPaintDC CWindowDC CGdiObject CBitMap CBrush CFont CPalette CPen CRgn CFile CMemFile CShareFile COleStreamFile CMonikerFile CAsyncMonikerFile CDataPathProperty CCachedDataPathProperty CSocketFile CStdioFile CInternetFile CGopherFile CHttpFile CRecentFileList (Arrays) CArray (template) CByteArray CDWordArray CObArray CPtrArray CStringArray CUIntArray CWordArray (arrays of user types) (Lists) CList (template) CPtrList CObList CStringList (lists of user types) (Maps) CMap (template) CMapWordToPtr CMapPtrToWord CMapPtrToPtr CMapWordToOb CMapStringToPtr CMapStrngToOb CMapStringToString CPoint CRect composed with 4 integers first 2 are x and y of left top vertex last 2 are x and y of right bottom vertex -CSize -CString...

January 1, 1970 · 1 min · Niiok

Visual studio

file extentions .sln : solution file .suo : options of solution file .vcxproj : project file .sdf : compact SQL SERVER DATABASE that support browsing and navigation .vcsproj.filters : filter file that indicates file location of solution .vcxproj.user : lower-version-to-higher-version migration user file .ncb : symbol cache before compile .ilk : intermediate link data .aps : MFS resource cache .def : module definition file (serves linking informations to linker) ....

January 1, 1970 · 1 min · Niiok


event driven when events happen, they stored into message form message stored into system queue OS was checking for system queue OS send message to aplication’s thread message queue application was checking for thread message queue (GetMessage) application calls event-matching callback function (TranslateMessage, DispatchMessage) creating window declare WNDCLASS object declare proper LRESULT CALLBACK (*callback_function) (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) change fields(properties) inside WNDCLASS object you need to set ipfnWndProc into callback_function as window processor you need to set lpszClassName into LPCSTR type string as window class name declare WNDCLASS object with RegisterClass() Create window with CreateWindow() you need to call ShowWindow() if window is invisible window programming...

January 1, 1970 · 6 min · Niiok