UE5 New Features

Core Nanite Lumen Open World File per Actor World Partition Data Layer Level Instance Large World Coordinate

April 13, 2022 · 1 min · Niiok

Unreal Subsystem

Intro Subsystem is handy and useful instance with various lifecycle. Every Subsystems declared as class will be instanced and called Inintialize() and Deinitialize() in proper time. Thanks to Subsystems, GameInstance don’t have to be over-responsible. (and other massive advantages) Subsystem variety UEngineSubsystem Lifetime : StartUp() ~ ShutDown() Reference : GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<T>(); UEditorSubsystem Lifetime : StartUp() ~ ShutDown() Reference : GEditor->GetEditorSubsystem<T>(); UGameInstanceSubsystem...

March 17, 2022 · 1 min · Niiok

Android packaging

To package apk successfully via Android Studio (UE4.25~) First, follow this official document. Tips below may be useful if your Gradle spit errors out. (wrote in 2022 March with UE4.27.2) Check existence of these 2 files (Windows) Users/[User name]/AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\[SDK version]/dx.bat Users/[User name]/AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\[SDK version]/lib/dx.jar If they don’t exist, make symbolic links of d8.bat and d8.jar. You MUST enable AndroidDeviceProfileSelector and AndroidPermission plugins. Then execute [EngineFolder]/Engine/Extras/Android/SetupAndroid.* while UE4 and Android Studio are off....

March 14, 2022 · 1 min · Niiok

Unreal basic

Unreal project If you want to study the API on your own; You should use that API as a user until you get used to it and read the header files. In every unreal code, they include “CoreMinimal.h” or “EngineMinimal.h” and those header files will be key to start studying. Project hierarchy Config : project setting values. NEEDED-do not remove Content : asset storage. NEEDED-do not remove...

January 1, 1970 · 2 min · Niiok