Unreal Kickstart - Animation

Intro and Philosophy Aims for Versatile Layered Reusability Empowerment Gameplay Cinematic History UE1 (1997) Vertex animation base Level Animation UE2 (2002) Skeleton animation Socket Anim Notify UE3 (2006) Cloth Matinee (first cinematic) Schematic Schematic Skeleton Skeletal Mesh Anim Blueprint Event Graph Anim Graph Animation Sequences Physics Asset Sequencer Tools Calculate Pose Scalability Features Schematic Overview FBX into… Skeleton ; rigging Skeletal Mesh : geometry Animations Skeleton hierarchy of bones and how they connect to each other pillar of animation process...

April 26, 2022 · 1 min · Mario Palmero, Sjoerd De Jong

Unreal Kickstart - Rendering

Intro and Philosophy History rendering has always been focus point best visual at the best performance all-compatible set of tools for any renderer or platform UE1 (1997) blended colored light dynamic, static light volumetric light, lensflare, perfect mirrors, procedural texture effects 1k, 2k supported, detailed texture in 256mb memory UE2 (2002) DirectX 7 support mesh, terrains, larger outdoor environments, vehicles foliage and particle basic material vertex lighting UE3 (2006) DirectX 9 support forward rendering even larger outdoor environments full lightmapping, dynamic shadows UE4 (2014) handle any style (not only high realism) scalabiliy, from indipendable to AAA over game egine better fidelity, architecture, pipeline, flexibility UE5 (2022) Nanite Lumen Niagara Schematic Schematic Ahead of Rendering Visibility Features Start of Rendering BasePass BasePass Material Geometry Precomputed Lighting GBuffer Dynamic Light & Shadow Reflections Additional Translucency Atmospherics Etc Post Processing Final Frame Scalability and Performance Schematic Overview Full size (4MB)...

April 26, 2022 · 7 min · Sjoerd De Jong, Mario Palmero

Unreal Kickstart - World Building

Intro and Philosophy History visual based complete toolset level centric started from level editor other tools added-on level editor, and then it called as engine UE1 (1997/1999) Called as UnrealEd1, UnrealEd2 BSP Brush focused Engine struct was formulated Actors, Viewport, Camera controls, toolbar… Lighting rendered in viewport Event/Tag scripted Subtractive world (Skybox) UE2 (2002) Meshes added BSP-Mesh hybrid workflow Event/Tag scripted Subtractive world (Skybox) used Ctrl+S to subtract (prevent spam) UE3 (2006) Visual scripting (Kismet) added sub-editors added Matinee, Cascade, Material editor, etc Additive world (no Skybox) UE4’s structure was almost completed UE4 (2014) Blueprint added UI revamp 2nd generation sub-editors and tools Matinee and Cascade are replaced Sequencer, Sound cue editor, etc Unified interface with blueprint UE5 (2022) Reinforced sub-editors and open world support Chaos, AFPA, World Partition, etc Schematic-Schematic All required tools and sub-editors are part of the editor and engine....

April 25, 2022 · 4 min · Sjoerd De Jong, Mario Palmero

Unreal Kickstart

About this kickstart Kickstart for giving Big picture perspective of UE4 Not a step-by-step walkthrough of how to use UE4 about what, why, terminology, logic, history plus advices and practises for beginners Composed with Philosophy and Intro Schematic Overview Advice Presenters Sjoerd De Jong Evangelism Lead Europe 20 Years experience with UE1-4 Anything content or Blueprint related except for Animation/Audio Mario Palmero 8 hours years experience with UE3-4 Programming, Tech Art and Animation Contents World Building Rendering Animation Engine Structure Programming Blueprint Character Material

April 24, 2022 · 1 min · Sjoerd De Jong, Mario Palmero